Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today our diet have begun. I weight in around 237.8 HOly smokes I gained 12 pounds in about 3-4 weeks? crazy fat ass. Well no worries, I'll be updating the progress.

I ate chicken breast strips 3.5 ounce for breakfast and again for lunch. Dinner I ate lots of grilled KFC. Though it is grilled, it is still not a good idea to eat them due to high content of fat. Here is day 1 protein ketosis initiation. Usually by the third day, my body is in ketosis and I need to remember to take allopurinol.


  1. Did you know...

    With 50 flea bites, a sick day from work, lack of sleep, and $45 spent on itch and flea killers, with much thought, I officially will probably never ever come to your house again. Nothing personal against you guys, but man, those things kicked my ass! Do you know how it feels to check your legs out every 5 minutes to see and catch a flea? I swear, I felt like a drug addict looking for crack in a bag of rice. I'm scarred for life man! Oh, after much money and time spent on research, this works:

    Home Depot:
    Flea spray for homes by Enforcer
    Natural Defense by Sentry

  2. hmmm...let me restate that...as long as you have fleas that is, because I like your pets...
